Things I have learned and thoughts

My Parents are the best people I have ever known.  They love their family unconditionally.  They are far from perfect, but I aspire to be as good as them.

One from Granpa (Pa), is true: this life is not fair, don’t dwell on it

Sinefeld used the line, people, they are the worst.  It was sarcastic, but really true, it is people who do unto others, and not as they would like to have done to them.  Why are so many so angry at the others?

Only buy red delicious apples from the farm, never from a grocery store or costco.

No one with good intentions spends 10 – 50 times more than the job pays, to get the job.

Insurance companies are not in business to help anyone but their high level executives and shareholders.  Take the cheapest option always, never fall for their pitches to increase your coverage, do only what is required by law.

If a new car does not come with a warranty that covers it for the normally expected length of a loan, don’t buy it.  Coupled with the insurance, buy a used vehicle that does not need to be covered itself.

Health Care is a hypocritical term, a Doctor may care, the system does not.

Stocks should be bought and sold only by the very wealthy, let them take each other not you, put your savings in a credit union.

Never vote for an incumbent, they don’t understand what “service to your country” means.

Do not put more into a 401k than your company matches, and do not negotiate for some kind of future benefit, like a retirement, cash is all that counts in capitalism.  A capitalistic promise is not a contract that can’t be broken.

Old Wives Tales are more true than false.

Two people are in a large mall, they are the only 2 “shoppers”.  They are not together, they start at opposite sides of the mall, are walking towards each other, again, they are the only 2 shoppers in the mall.  When they cross paths, they will almost run into each other, and have to say excuse me etc.  Same thing is true of 2 people on bicycles, and one on foot (3 total), the bike riders are going in opposite directions, when they pass each other it will be at the same time they encounter the walker and one of the bike riders will have to stop before they can pass the walker.  Not so true anymore as the malls die off.

Park as far as possible from the store(s), away from all vehicles, and when you return, there will be 2 vehicles on either side, with the rest of the parking lot empty.  Often one of the vehicles is so close you can’t open your door.  Solution, only park between 2 cars already in the lot.

Buy new vehicle (don’t actually do it), within one month, no matter how hard you try, or how resistant to bumps the vehicle is, there will be door dings.  They often seem to be to large to be accidental.  Why to buy only used.

Park your grocery cart in an aisle.  Pretty much the rest of the shoppers will want something on the shelves where your cart is.  Watch, it is amazing.  More often, when you move the cart, they all disperse, never picking anything off the shelf that the cart was blocking.

No one reads the signs to not run on the stairs, especially down.  If you need to run down the stairs, why do you stop running when you get to the bottom?

Driving in the D.C. metro area, and others as populated: drive as fast as you can until you are tailgating a vehicle.  Stay on their bumper till they move over or turn off, then speed up to the next road hog (there is a very old movie with W.C. Fields on how to deal with road hogs, we now call that aggressive driving).  And always be sure to be if the farthest lane from your exit lane, then turn right from the far left lane.

If you are in a group going out for lunch, be sure to spread out on the sidewalk so no one else can pass.  Then walk slowly.

Virginia could be the first state wholly owned by a foreign owned company.

actors pretend, how do they get the reputation as “tough” guys?  Same with musicians, I sing so I am a bad boy?

Don’t use the bathroom on the same floor that you work, co-workers tend to follow in and talk.